Hedelab brings new solutions to promote immunity.

Apr 14, 2021 | News

Only one concern, how to boost your immunity in order to stay healthy? It is possible thanks to some more specific ingredients.

First: vitamins

There are many benefits of vitamins. With evolution, the human body has lost the ability to produce enough of them in order to maintain a healthy immunity.

Vitamins D and C are important for maintaining good health.

Vitamin C is a micronutrient that is not synthesized by humans but is effective in the overall maintenance of immunity and energy intake. By accumulating in white blood cells, it is able to destroy microbes.

Vitamin D is synthesized by the cells under the skin under the effect of the sun. This is why, in winter, many people are deficient and feel the need to supplement. According to the WHO (World Health Organization) website, recent research has demonstrated the so-called protective effect of this vitamin on respiratory tract infections.

Finally, comes zinc, a mineral that plays an important role in the body’s natural defenses. One of its missions is to prevent the multiplication and propagation of viruses in a person.

Second, herbal products

These plant-based ingredients offer various benefits. Today, there are many products whose active ingredients come from plants such as Echinacea, Ravintsara, Tea Tree, Curcumin, Eucalyptus…

Boosting your immunity is essential to defend yourself against viruses.

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